
Welcome to Valuation Mart

Our Business is to Value Your Business

Valuation Mart is a unit of M/s Jhamb & Associates, a Registered Valuers and Company Secretaries firm. Our firm is providing best possible support to the corporate clients with the objective of achieving the desired results as per the expectation of the client. Our Firm’s motto is “Quality Services in Expected time” a very general motto of every service provider, but we claim this by our time bound delivery & unique mechanism of execution of assignment.

Valuation Mart is the segment of M/s Jhamb & Associates for providing the Independent valuation services utilizing Indian and internationally accepted valuation methodology to produce well-reasoned, supportable valuation and financial consulting services under application provisions of Company Law, Income Tax, SEBI Regulation, IBC Codes, FEMA Regulations etc.

In Valuation Mart, we provide the services like Share Valuations, Business Valuations, Enterprise Valuations, Asset Valuations and all such valuations as mentioned in ‘Our Services’ from an IBBI Registered Valuer and a Category-I Merchant Banker also.

We are also associated with IBBI Registered, Income Tax and Wealth Tax approved Valuers for the valuation of Plant & Machinery, Land & building

In the Valuation Mart Segment, we also provide the Virtual CFO Solutions including financial and non-financial planning and financial reporting support.

Valuation Segment of Jhamb and Associates is working since last 2 years and we proudly and effectively completed the valuation of 200+ Companies in last 2 years with the help of our Team and associates.

About Jhamb & Associates

M/s Jhamb and Associates is a consultancy firm involved in the activities of valuation, virtual CFOs, Department Liasioning, Licensing, Corporate Restructuring, Business Registrations including Company LLPs, Socities, Trusts etc.

Beside the Valuation and above mentioned activities, we at Jhamb & Associates also deal with Listing, Delisting, NBFCs & Fema Compliances, Startup Registrations and Startup Funding.

Our team (including the associates) comprises of a mix of Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Registered Valuers, Merchant Bankers, Lawyers, Management graduates and MBAs who are committed to serve the clients.

We are based at Delhi NCR but have presence through inbuilt team and associates in Mumbai, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, and Bangalore.